A blended learning approach including face-to-face sessions, online, home-learning, group and one-to-one time in order to educate individuals in financial literacy and capability, building skills, knowledge and confidence to manage money effectively. The course allows young people moving toward independence to develop the necessary skills to thrive and have confidence in making financial decisions, saving and borrowing, budgeting and money management, preparing for interview as well as increasing participants opportunities to live socially inclusive lives. The course aims to have a wider impact upon poverty relief including housing and employment stability directly affecting young people’s ongoing wellbeing.
Online and in person
By appointment only
Email: enquiries@navigatecharity.org.uk
By providing financial education workshops and accredited courses to help equip young people with the financial skills necessary to move into independence whilst working towards reducing social isolation and building financial resilience.
Navigate C I O
Heatherton Park Studios
Heatherton Park
Bradford on Tone