Would you like to make a difference in your local community?
Do you want to meet other young people who also want to make a difference?
You Will:
• Help Children’s World put together new projects and make their current projects even better.
• Work alongside other young people to develop and deliver inclusive community events.
• Make new friends.
• Improve your communication skills and confidence.
• Help make your community and the world a better place to live in.
• Have a lot of fun! Children’s World will:
• Provide mentoring to help you get the most out of your time on the Youth Committee.
• Provide you with certified training in a range of skills, such as first aid, stewarding and food-hygiene.
• Provide support for any other work and qualifications you might be doing, such as DofE, references and Endeavour Credits.
If you would like to take part, please email us at youthcommittee@childrensworldcharity.org and we’ll be in touch. Thank you!